Transport in Cochabamba
Yes, I do have some weird fascinations! Here is a commentary on the many different forms of public transport in Cochabamba...probably boring to you, but I wanted to write it down so I would remember...
Usually a white Toyota Corolla sedan or wagon, late 80s model. No meters; you name your destination, ask the price and then agree on the price (although they aren´t as bad at ripping you off as the Egyptians!) But its dangerous for single women to get in any taxi at night, so I only phone companies known by my friends to be trustworthy.
Looks identical to a taxi except with a sign on the roof stating the number of its set route. Always costs 1,50Bs (about 25c) regardless of how long you stay in it; you pay when you get out. You can hail one anywhere along the route and they sometimes squeeze in 6 people, at the discretion of the driver. All routes pass through the centre of the city somewhere. Some illegally deviate from the route eg. if its busy in La Cancha (the biggest market in South America) and therefore have to take sign of the roof!
Almost always a white Toyota minibus (seats about 15 people) with route number and major destinations displayed inside windscreen. Once again, costs 1,50Bs regardless of distance, you pay when getting out, and you can stop them anywhere...despite the fact that I say "en la rotonda por favor" (at the roundabout please) every day, drivers sometimes still don´t understand my accent! When they leave busy places such as La Cancha, they wait until they are full before leaving and young boys standing on the street repeatedly yell out the final destination to pedestrians..."Quillacollo, Quillacollo..."
Usually old Toyota Coasters...yes, it appears that all secondhand Toyotas spend their final years in Bolivia! Basically the same as a minibus except bigger, slower and you pay when you get on.
Old Dodge school buses, usually bright colours and adorned inside with posters (anything from cuddly kittens to Britney Spears or Jesus) and weird hanging objects - think fluffy dice! (just found out that they celebrate "The Day of the Dead" here, so surely nothing will surprise me again?). Packed full in peak hour so standing room only, so you pay whenever you get a chance. VERY slow - now that my sprained ankle is better I avoid them.
Large tourist buses that take you long distances between cities. For overnight trips there are buscamas - with seats that recline right back, similar to business class on a plane...more comfortable than any Australian bus I´ve been on!